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Artist:Utagawa Kuniharu 歌川国春 (1803-1839)
Description: A portrait of the actor Segawa Kikunojō V, with a poem by the actor, signed fifth generation Rokō. Published by Igaya Kan'emon (Bunkidō). Signed: Hamamuraya Kuniharu ga.(Hamamuraya was an actor's guild. The artist Kuniharu was also the actor Arashi Tokūsaburo II and presumably a member of the guild, of which Kikunojō was also a member. Although Kuniharu was originally an Osaka artist, he studied under Toyokuni II and published most of his prints in Edo
Signed:Kuniharu ga in Toshidama cartouche
Size:Oban 25 x 36.6 cm
Condition:Very good impression, colour and condition
Price:Euro 1950 SOLD