About UsOur contact details:Address: Rapenburg 19 2311 GE Leiden The Netherlands Tel: +31-(0)71- 5143552 Email: ukiyoe@xs4all.nl Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday: by appointment. Saturday: 11.00-17.00 hours. Closed: Sunday and Monday. Hotei Japanese Prints always has several hundred Japanese prints in stock, as well as c. 80 scroll paintings, a small selection of illustrated books and a growing number of objects ranging from ceramics by artists such as Hamada Shoji and Shimaoka Tatsuzō, bronze vases and objects by Nakajima Yasumi, early 20th century lacquer, mizusashi (water containers) and cloisonné. Every year, in early winter, Hotei is a participant of the PAN Artfair in Amsterdam. Hotei Japanese Prints currently employs five people: Leon Oninckx, Philo Ouweleen, Jim Dwinger and Luisa Clark Homburg. Hotei Japanese Prints is a member of the following organisations: - NVvA / ILAB (Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren) - VHOK / CINOA (Vereeniging van handelaren in oude kunst in Nederland) - UDAJ (Ukiyo-e Dealers Association of Japan) For Reference books relating to Japanese Prints, click here |